About Us

What started in 2018 as a garage-sized project in Dallas Uptown, only producing 30-40 lbs. of gourmet mushrooms per week, quickly expanded into a full-scale operation growing over 500 lbs. of mushrooms weekly by February 2020, largely fueled by restaurant orders.

When the pandemic hit, restaurant accounts tanked.
Doing business the way we had been up to that point was no longer possible, and Texas Fungus almost went under.
But we pivoted and innovated – we created new products and expanded into new markets, including dried mushrooms, local grocery stores and additional farmers markets, mushroom grow kits and growing equipment, and tinctures.

From growing just one type of fresh mushroom in those early days,
producing only tens of pounds,
to now growing a thousand pounds of multiple varieties of mushrooms and selling top-notch products such as equipment and tinctures;
to say we’ve come a long way is an understatement.

But what matters most is where we’re headed; and we invite you along for the ride!

Subscribe to our blog;
Check us out on Facebook or Instagram;
Try your hand at growing your own shrooms
See the difference one of our tinctures could make for you; or
Schedule a visit to the farm. 

We look forward to connecting and welcome to the Texas Fungus (TF) family!

Texas Fungus Head Mushroom Farmer, Founder and CEO


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